Kazem Azizi

Kazem Azizi’s research covers a large area of Particle Physics, especially the phenomenology of Hadron Physics and QCD.  Some of the general topics that he is actively working on are as follows:


  1. Investigation of the standard and non-conventional hadrons (exotics) recently discovered at different experiments to clarify their internal quark-gluon organization and their exact quantum numbers. To this end, the traditional and light-cone QCD sum rule methods are used.


  1. Properties of hadrons and QCD at hot and dense medium with the aim of gaining information on the properties of matter at extreme conditions, helping to explain the results of heavy ion collision experiments and understanding the internal structure of the dense astrophysical objects like neutron stars.


  1. Electromagnetic, weak and strong interaction/decay properties of the standard and exotic hadrons with calculating all the related “form factors” and “coupling constants” in full theory of QCD. The Energy-momentum tensor or gravitational form factors of hadrons are also investigated.


  1. Search for new physics beyond the SM at hadronic decay channels, especially considering the new indications of the deviations of the experimental data from the SM predictions, which can be a sign of lepton flavor universality violation (LFUV).


  1. Search for “Dark Matter” and “Dark Energy” in QCD. We have calculated the mass of S=uuddss particle, candidate for a baryonic dark matter, for the first time with a high accuracy.


  1. Intrinsic charm content of the proton and widely search for its structure and geometric shape as well as origin of its mass and spin.


  1. Developing the new mathematical methods and programing tools to work on the above subjects.


   Although he is a phenomenological/theoretical physicist, he is in close relations with experiments like LHCb, Belle, D0, CDF, BESIII, PANDA, ALICE, etc. He is leading some research groups of more than 50 people, including faculty members, postdocs and graduate students from different universities, actively working on different aspects of particle phenomenology and analyses of data at various subgroups.

   Kazem Azizi is also a member of PANDA (anti-proton annihilation Darmstadt) experiment currently being built on the area of the GSI-Germany as well as FCC project at CERN. He was also a member of ATLAS B-Physics Group (2010-2018) and ALICE collaboration (2021-2023) at CERN.

   He is the author of more than 250 papers, most of which were published in high-prestige journals of the high energy and particle physics with more than 6000 citations and 41 H index. Kazem Azizi’s studies have been quoted by many large experiments and have received many citations from PDG and the important experiments like CERN ( LHCb, ALICE), Fermilab, Belle, BESIII, etc.


Kazem Azizi has received many national and international awards. He is among top 2% scientists listed by the Stanford University-Elsevier. He is a reviewer in many prestigious journals of the particle physics. He has supervised more than 100 PhD and MS thesis as well as postdoc proposals.

Primary email: azizi.hep.ph@gmail.com

