Apranik Fatehi

This would take forever if I were to list everything I’m interested in, so I’ll break it down into phases of my life:

Phase 1: Engineering

I studied physics engineering with an emphasis on optics and lasers. During that time, I had the opportunity to research organic solar cells and renewable energy technologies. In the later years of my studies, I focused on computational physics, particularly accelerating code by developing CUDA C modules. This led to a role as a signal processing consultant in a laser lab.

Notable achievements include two published papers on organic solar cells, for which I received the Distinguished Researcher award (among bachelor students) at the time.

Phase 2: High Energy Physics

After spending several years away from academia, I decided to pursue my true passion: High Energy Physics. Fast forward to today, I’m working on the following topics:

  • Higgs couplings to fermions (FCC-ee experiment)
  • Leptoquark studies in lepton colliders
  • Generalized Parton Distributions (MMGPD collaboration)
  • Lattice QCD

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