Muhammad Goharipour

My journey in particle physics began in 2009 as an MSc student, where I worked on my thesis, “Parton Distributions in Nuclei and the EMC Effect in Leading Order.” This project introduced me to key concepts related to parton distribution functions (PDFs) and nuclear PDFs (nPDFs). In 2013, I started my PhD, during which I explored various topics. In the first two years, I deepened my understanding of PDF determination and gained insights into intrinsic quarks. In the final two years, my focus shifted to my thesis, “Hadron Structure in Heavy-Ion Collisions,” where I conducted a comprehensive study on isolated prompt photon production in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at the LHC.

Since earning my doctorate, I have been working in the field of particle physics phenomenology and experiment, with a primary focus on hadron structure and QCD phenomenology. My research has been conducted at the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) and the University of Tehran, where I have served as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow. During this period, I have collaborated on various projects, covering a range of topics including PDFs, nPDFs, diffractive PDFs (DPDFs), the meson-baryon model (MBM), intrinsic quarks, prompt photon production in hadron collisions, fragmentation functions (FFs), and generalized parton distributions (GPDs).
